Speaking Layers

Mental markings, internal snap shots and colliding landscapes, breathe life into layers on canvas. Time, light and experience inspire constantly changing interpretations-an angsty, yet bizarrely tranquil series of work, investigating transformation in the context of “This American Life.”The work is a study of spacial elements colliding with fragments of time, their unavoidable influences upon each other and ultimately upon my own life. Physically and emotionally, there’s a progression in their portrayal, from a quieter, lighter, softer, Mediterranean existence to a broodier, tougher, politically and emotionally polarizing landscape of today’s America. Over the last few months, a series of more somber societal moments have awoken within me, a deeper desire to express, on canvas, what this precise time and space feels like to a virtual outsider.

Venetian Range 130x97cm
Fragmentary 150x73cm
Urban Landscape DC 130x97cm
The Flight of Time 162x 130cm
Conflicting Times Washington DC
Against the Tower 33x25cm